Catapult Design (5)
Mid year. Wow! This year, 2015, started quietly enough. The beginning was a perfect time for personal projects, which seems like such a luxury now. Of course that did not last. Once the ball started rolling, it just kept speeding up. Running from one project to the next, and all too often juggling multiples is the modus operandi. January seems like such a long time ago.
One of last week's challenges was a three item product shoot for Catapult. A bar chair, a lamp, and a coffee table. Each of these issued separate challenges. When Leigh asked if it would be a problem to retouch the table base, I said, Nah, not at all -- brave last words from one who knows not. The chair was a regular low contrast challenge, white on white, but it mostly worked without compelling any new invention. While the lamp needed to show color, which sounds straightforward except when the surface has a glaze like enamel finish that acts as a spherical mirror that is highly reactive with it's environment. I will spare you from the long version of this story. Here is a sample of the results.